
 Leadville 100MTB Adventure + Bonus Leadville 10KM Run I have to begin this race story with the background of how this race came to be. Arguably the most famous and hardcore mountain biking race in the US, this isn’t just like a sign up and pay money and go race situation. With it’s fame comes qualifying to get into this race or alternatively, the lottery. In a world that seems a distant past  in late 2019, pre-covid, I had a crazy idea one night to just throw Kit and I’s name into this said lottery. Now from what I had heard, people spent years entering the lottery and not making it, so it was just a whim I never thought anything would come from. Little did I know…  The night the lottery results went live I was in shock to see both Kit and my name flash across the screen. Apparently this lottery is read live in Leadville, but is also live-streamed online for all those entrants to see. I was in disbelief, as was Kit, and with that it was decided- I just we had to buy some...
Carmel Marathon, well Half Marathon, 2021 Marathoning is not my favorite thing. It’s a distance I had grown to love training for (as a glutton for volume), but the actual racing, at the paces I was targeting, felt vomit inducing to think about. These were my thoughts even before my race week, and wow they were foreshadowing.  Still living in a pandemic world, races definitely were far and few between. A few friends and I had been lucky enough to race a tune-up half marathon in February in Greenville, SC, but really, most in person races were non-existent or very small local events. The Carmel marathon we were targeting seemed to have a good covid action plan in place, but it was constantly in my mind, and I know the mind of my teammates, that this race may get dusted like many of the other big marathons which had been cancelled.  Training started for this marathon block in early January, and actually, it had gone fairly well. I love our Rocksport group, everyone is so su...
                                                                                          Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon, Greenville, SC                                                                                    A race… A real live race! My friends and I had anxiously been eyeing the southeastern US race calendar for months looking for something that 1- probably would happen admist Covid 2- be somewhat decent weather in February 3- have a decent course at the half mara...
  Ironman Florida 2020 Racing in a Pandemic It was a weird race from the beginning… the anxiety leading up to it that it may be cancelled very last minute, or that work wouldn’t allow us to travel… I mean after all, no other Ironman (full distance) races had gone off in 2020 (and would not), and only one other 70.3 had occurred (Arizona), so we were not feeling optimistic. But as the days dwindled down and it was finally the day to drive down, Kit and I were cautiously optimistic. Luckily, Florida was a place where covid cases were actually very low, and with us driving and staying in a complete house to ourselves, we felt as safe as anything. The drive down wasn’t bad, and it was so nice to be in our familiar area of 30-A, Rosemary and a place connected to so many memories for us. We enjoyed a few lazy days resting at the beach and going through the motions of check in before it was finally race day. Pre Race    The race started at 11am, a super weird experience ...
Run The Bluegrass 2020 2020 has been a weird year, and honestly this race wasn’t even on my radar despite being in my backyard. The lack of racing this year has interestingly somehow turned into more of a run focus year, and I’ve really enjoyed that. When my work schedule worked out to have race day off, and I was able to finagle a bib in the already sold out race, I decided that despite the tough course it was meant to be. I definitely had the base and fitness to have a strong race, and potentially to get my goal of sub-1:35 (previous PR 1:40), however this course featured nearly 1000k feet of elevation change with my previous PR on VERY flat ground.   I was feeling very confident about my training, fitness and build leading into the race. Having a big run year and keeping relatively high mileage played in my favor as there wasn’t much extra I had to add. I had two key workouts prior to the race that I think really set me up well- one being a 9 mile tempo run at my favorite (sar...